So, since yesterday I finally posted my goals for this year, today's post will report on my week 1 successes and failures and my plan for the week ahead. I will be honest in that week 1 was definitely a mixed bag.
Week 1 Review:
House: My ultimate decluttering goal fell to the wayside this week. Too many evening activities combined with multiple other issues resulted in a whole lot of nothing being accomplished.
Health: This week I was reminded that if I am going to exercise I have to make the effort to get up and do it first thing in the morning. Alas, I was unsuccessful.
Family: I was much more successful in this area. On Monday, Stephen and I played several games together. On Friday, Sarah and I went out to eat and then watched a movie together while the boys were out doing their own thing.
Spiritual Life: The One Year Bible and I are zipping right along. Operation World has been a bit more spotty, but I'm working on it. The first book of the Bible in my study Search the Scriptures is the book of Luke. I completed background reading and study.
Learning: I rediscovered this week that a lack of opportunity to read even just a little bit on a daily basis results in crankiness and frustration. So, Friday and Saturday I indulged by reading Standing at the Horizon by Doris Morris, a local author.
Beyond my stated goals above, I had the privilege this week of completing the Hour of Code with the 7th and 8th graders at my my children's elementary school. We have to reschedule the 3-6th grade due to a weather-related school closure.
Week 2 Plan:
House:This week my plan is to tackle the entry way. Hopefully, I can obtain cooperation from all family members in relocating their shoes and other possessions. If that goes smoothly, the kitchen is up next on my list.
Health: As I indicated, this past week I didn't hit my four sessions of exercise. My plan is to get up before the rest of the family to enjoy some time with the treadmill or a favorite exercise video. Doing this along with intentional eating should result in good readings this week.
Family: This week is my husband's birthday so even though we had a birthday luncheon today along with the children, I'm planning a date night and/or a date lunch this week. Hopefully, we can manage both.
Spiritual Life: I will continue reading The One Year Bible in the mornings. While I certainly pray every day, this week I'm planning to book-end the beginning and end of my day with concentrated prayer time. I'm planning to spend time with Luke during at least three evenings.
Learning: I'll finish reading the book More or Less by Jeff Shinabarger this week. My other non-fiction reading is predominantly focused on my upcoming mission trip right now. I plan to mix in some frivolous fiction reading as well.