Many people are slogging through live when instead they could Thrive: Live Like You Matter. This review is a chapter summary of this book.
Chapter 1 primarily serves as an introduction to the book explaining how the idea for the book and the title came from Proverbs 11:28 which states "Those who trust in their riches will fall but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf." Author Lisa Toney emphasizes the meaning of righteous or righteousness is "right living" and previews the topics that are covered in the remainder of the book.
Chapter 2 focuses on that little bitty three letter word which many people throw around without thought. This little bitty word "yes" is a main reason why many people are not thriving. Toney emphasizes that in order to be people of integrity we must be wise in deciding to what we will say yes. Moving on to Chapter 3, Toney emphasizes that other little bitty two letter word which many people do not use often enough. However, before encouraging readers that saying no is a necessary part of setting boundaries, Toney reminds readers that in order to thrive you must never say no to God and his desires for you. Readers are also reminded that saying no allows you the space to say yes to other opportunities.
Chapter 4 centers on spinters and the damaging effect they have on our relationships. Readers will finish this chapter ready to take some planks out of their eyes so that they can begin forgiving others and themselves. After discussing a somewhat painful and laborious process, Toney encourages readers to celebrate in chapter 5. Yet before you can celebrate, you need to set goals worthy of celebrating when they are completed. This chapter gives excellent, clear, and concise advice on goal setting. I see this as a great chapter to return to in late December.
Chapter 6 focuses on dragon-slaying. You may wonder what dragons you need to slay, but Toney gives wonderful ideas on identifying and slaying several dragons we all meet from time to time. After engaging in dragon-slaying, chapter 7 transitions to swatting flies particularly the flies of injustice. You may ask "What difference will killing flies make?" Toney reminds readers of several ways to swat flies and that numerous people acting together will make a difference.
Toney uses the familiar symbol of a rainbow to remind readers that thriving requires hope in chapter 8. A discussion explores what hope is and is not. I enjoyed her reminder that engaging in self-care demonstrates hope in tomorrow. Equally important to the concept of thriving is peace but unfortunately, peace is in short-supply when our pace of life is so harried. Chapter 9 encourages readers to reconsider their pace from the perspective of relationships and balance. In conclusion, if you are thriving on all of your cylinders, excellence is the end-product. Toney sums up her book by encouraging readers to pursue excellence in chapter 10.
Each chapter includes wonderful discussion questions. Author Lisa Toney strikes just the right balance between citing enough resources to be credible and also being forthright enough to be engaging. This book would be a great, encouraging resource for a small group study. Although women may be drawn to the book, the content is equally applicable to men and women. Toney's website indicates an eight week video-based curriculum is being produced to accompany this book. Go and Thrive!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Abingdon Press. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”