If you have previously read Richard Louv's books The Last Child in the Woods or The Nature Principle, his newest work Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature Rich Life needs to be added to your to-purchase pile. Unlike his previous works which focus more on the theoretical side of why spending time in nature is important, Vitamin N is a guide-book for parents and anyone else who works with children which gives ideas on how to easily provide opportunities for children to experience nature. As such it is not a book to read straight through and then put on your shelf. It is a book to leave where you can access frequently and dip into on a regular basis so that the ideas shared can be put into practice.
My review copy was an ebook but this book really needs to be purchased as a print copy in order to make the most of it. If you are a parent of pre-schoolers or early elementary aged children, you need to run to the nearest bookstore and purchase a copy of this book. If you are a home-school family, this book will be a great asset to nature study and other educational endeavors. While targeted to parents, there are ideas that can be implemented by adults as well. Libraries, schools, YMCAs, and other organizations that provide services to children and families will also benefit from having access to this book.
I was provided a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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