Sunday, November 17, 2019

Why I Read

Some people have inquired how I manage to read so many books. For the most part, I have always read all the time. I always have one or two books with me and read whenever I have any snatches of time available even if I only manage to fit in a page or two. I rarely watch television partially because I'd rather read and partially because our television is often being used by other people. The few shows I do watch I stream to my laptop but that is rare.

The biggest reason why I read is because it is my main method of staying sane. Finding a few minutes to myself to read whatever I want helps to keep me on an even keel. In fact I strongly recommend that everyone should read a chapter a day of something just for fun. When I find myself becoming emotionally drained or needing to recharge, I know it's time that I need to sequester myself and read. It probably will not be great literature, but losing myself in a fun story is always just the ticket I need to set life back to order again.

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