If you say "Hot Flashes!" around anyone, their mind automatically heads to menopause. While not quite there yet, that time of life is certainly sneaking up on me, so the book Seven Transforming Gifts of Menopause seemed like an appropriate title to read. Unfortunately, menopause or "the change" carries a lot of baggage and is often used to demean and put down women.
Author Cheryl Bridges Johns is Chair of Spiritual Renewal at Pentecostal Theological Seminary. For each chapter, she emphasizes that women may have been taught one thing, such as women should be quiet and not have a voice, but that the Bible doesn't teach that. Johns then shares how menopause is a wonderful time to transform that area or aspect of your life by embracing your true self or finding the voice that you may have hidden or not felt comfortable using. Cheryl Bridges Johns does marvelous job of combining spiritual teaching and stories from her own life and those of other women. Some of the stories such as that of a woman being asked to leave a women's retreat for asking questions and being disruptive rather than being quiet and simply a container to be filled will make you angry and wonder what would happen in your church setting. Johns pulls in other scholarly research as well to back up her points. She writes as an older, wiser friend who has already experienced these gifts and wishes to help others experience menopause as transforming gifts rather than closing the door on possibilities.I would encourage any woman regardless of their age or their proximity to this time period to read Seven Transforming Gifts of Menopause. If you are currently in this phase, it will be encouraging and help you to embrace your future years with gusto. If this phase is in your near future, reading this book will help you to begin thinking about these gifts and how you can embrace them fully. If either of these categories describe you, Johns also includes wonderful questions for both person reflection and group reflection which makes this perfect for a study or book group. If menopause is far in the future, you still might find this a useful book. Many of the gifts described, as the title suggests, focus on transforming a viewpoint or action that you may find useful to implement now. All in all, no matter your age, Johns helps you to become more comfortable with the life changes we all go through and with who you are and the unique gifts God has given to you.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received Seven Transforming Gifts of Menopause from Brazos Press/Baker Publishing Group via NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
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