Monday, January 21, 2008

This week life finally began to fall into a pattern again. In the evenings I really enjoy spending time reading to the children, but Christmas break had resulted in a too relaxed atmosphere largely from watching too many movies. This past week though we started making headway both on our for fun read-aloud and our non-fiction items. We also had better mornings although those can certainly be improved upon.

My own reading improved as I finished the first book for my reading challenge. Northfield by Johnny D. Boggs took top billing in the western category. This novel about the James-Younger gang's debacle of a Minnesota bank robbery piqued my interest in learning more about the main characters. Boggs employed an unique writing style where each chapter was told in the voice of a different person which both gave multiple perspectives on the events and carried the plot forward.

The biggest excitement for the week came when I received permission to take a course this semester. This feat was not easily accomplished and requires extra diligence on my part so that I may hope to take additional courses. So I have added weekly class preparation to my reading repertoire; however, every course I take forms a needed stone in the pathway to my future goals. On that note, studying beckons.


Mike said...

Woo-hoo! Enjoy the class :-)

LibrarianMom said...

I'm taking Systematic Theology with Dr. Castelein.