Sunday, July 26, 2020

Be Kind to Yourself!

It can be so difficult to be kind to yourself. Often the words we use in our self-talk or our lack of taking time for ourselves to rest and rejuvenate are exactly the opposite of what we would say or encourage anyone else to do. I think we have heard the acronym JOY, put Jesus first, then Others, then Yourself so often that in many respects we feel guilty being kind to ourselves and feel that it is not what "good Christians" do. Well, hang on to your hats, because this brand new book gives you permission and encouragement as well as specific ideas on how to Be Kind to Yourself!

To many readers, the name Cindy Bunch is not unfamiliar as she is the associate publisher and director of editorial for InterVarsity Press and is particularly involved in their Formatio line of spiritual formation books. As such she's been around the publishing business for a long time, but Be Kind to Yourself is her first book she has written beyond LifeGuide Bible Studies. One of the first things you notice about this book is that it is a "doing book" rather than a book to simply read. Throughout the book from p. 7 to near the last page, Bunch highlights a variety of practices in which the reader can engage. These practices are so important that there is an index of them at the back of the book. Trying to add all 41 of these practices to your life at one time could be kind of overwhelming. For this reason, I suggest that this is a book you will wish to dip into often as a treasury of ideas to implement as needed instead of adding all of the practices to you to-do list. However, the one practice you will want to implement that is referenced throughout the book is a version of the Daily Examen.

Throughout the book Bunch comes back to the questions of "What's bugging you?" and "What's bring you joy?" It so refreshing and freeing to be able to acknowledge what bugs you and you can do so using this 30 Days of Awareness download that Bunch has made available. Dwelling on those items can be detrimental but stuffing them down and never admitting them can be equally so.  After introducing these two questions, Bunch uses them to introduce each chapter. Each chapter begins with an episode from Bunch's life which is used as a springboard to demonstrate how she became with familiar or has used a particular practice in her life and how you can to. When introducing the various practices, Bunch frequently mentions a book or resource in which more information can be found. I have a feeling that I will be returning to many of those familiar titles or locating titles that were new to me.

I highly recommend this brief book. Be Kind to Yourself is a book you will return to frequently as you consider and use the various practices described. It would be a great book to work through with others and to share your experiences using the various practices. This book is also highly recommended as a book to gift to others in your life.

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